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Radical Given-ness in the midst of scarcity.

By | All the things, The Hub

Oh- hey friends.

Have you ever felt like you have nothing left to give?

I giggled when I typed that.  I know…an offensive question at this point in time.  Don’t be mad it was more a rhetorical one anyway.

We all feel some sort of stretch right now.  Most of us feel stretched past what we feel we can handle.  Most of us feel as if we have nothing we could possibly give right now.

I mean I don’t know about you but just putting regular clothes on feels like an Olympic sport on most days…oh that’s just me…mmmmk.

Well, in God’s Kingdom, which is ALWAYS upside-down, there’s room to give even when we feel like we’re coasting on fumes.

There’s this quirky little story in the New Testament, told by Paul, that most of us have probably whizzed by without even noticing.

This story, short as it may be, holds so much truth and a resounding call that we desperately need right now.

Let’s look at it together  (2 Corinthians 8:1-4 MSG):

“Now, friends, I want to report on the surprising and generous ways in which God is working in the churches in Macedonia province. Fierce troubles came down on the people of those churches, pushing them to the very limit. The trial exposed their true colors: They were incredibly happy, though desperately poor. The pressure triggered something totally unexpected: an outpouring of pure and generous gifts. I was there and saw it for myself. They gave offerings of whatever they could—far more than they could afford!—pleading for the privilege of helping out in the relief of poor Christians…”

Paul was reporting to the Church of Corinth about a rag-tag group of believers who were under extreme affliction.  In fact, “the severe trial that the Macedonian churches experienced was of a sort that left them in a condition of extreme poverty. The phrase is literally “down-to-the-depth poverty.”* 

Circumstantially, the Macedonians were in shambles.  They had very little in their hands to give.
Impoverished and stretched by adversity.

Yet, we see them here held as an example.  An example of what? Not an example of surviving their circumstances.  Not an example of fear. Not an example of bargaining their way out of a season of life they hated..

They are held high as an example of GENEROSITY. 

Generosity and poverty don’t belong in the same sentence.  The two words don’t seem to be friends, in my opinion.

But in God’s Kingdom, generosity can dwell inside of poverty.

The Macedonians are used as an example not simply because they gave, or even that they gave out of their abundance, but because they gave when they had nothing to give.

“The Macedonian churches are a testimony that it is possible not merely to experience joy but to have it “overflow” in the midst of trials. Even more, just as persecution did not take away from their joyfulness, neither did poverty diminish their ability to be generous.” * 

How could they have given with such generosity under such great pressure??

Well Paul tells us… (2 Corinthians 8:5-7 MSG)

“This was totally spontaneous, entirely their own idea, and caught us completely off guard. What explains it was that they had first given themselves unreservedly to God and to us. The other giving simply flowed out of the purposes of God working in their lives.”

What came first?  They gave themselves UNRESERVEDLY to God.

The other giving simply flowed out of the purposes of God working in their lives.

The natural byproduct of giving themselves to God was generosity in the midst of scarcity.

It was not a heavy burden for them to be generous.  It simply flowed from their given-ness to God.

They lived given to Him, and as a result, the overflow they experienced impacted everyone around them.

Friends, we are called, we – His body, to live RADICALLY during this season.

We have the ability to live given to God and given to others, even in the midst of our own great need and affliction..

We must look at the “shut-down” and the “stay-home” messaging and choose to remember that the need has not, in fact, shut down.  The world is still hurting, still in desperate need and the vulnerable before are even more vulnerable now.

Can we, like the Macedonians, give ourselves UNRESERVEDLY to God, turn our eyes outward and GIVE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY.  

Give when it doesn’t make sense to give. 
Give because we remember that the need is still great. 

Faith in this season is sowing when we only have a few seeds left to sow.

That radical generosity WILL reap a harvest, not only in our own lives, but in the lives of the most vulnerable among us.



Bible Commentary Reference:











By | All the things


We are back from a month in Vegas.

Let’s just say the Hammett’s WENT HARD in Las Vegas, Nevada.  We left no stone unturned on the list of things suggested to do while in Vegas.  We searched the internet, far and wide, and compiled a list that we were committed to tackling.  We would leave nothing on that list undone.

And that is what we did.

Here’s a sampling:

  1. Ate our way through the entire city and ate food from every “category” of food that there is… Chinese, Italian, American, French… and so on.  All are precious in His sight so we showed no bias.
  2. We went to 3 Cirque Shows. THREE.  As if 1 is not life-altering enough.  We felt like 3 would be a better pace.
  3. Ziplined over “Old Vegas” like a bunch of fools.  As they strapped us in and lowered the platform and we hung in mid-air like superman it hit me…”I may die this way”.  Worth it.
  4. Went to the Hoover Dammmmmmmmm it was cool.  🙂  Survived a sand storm while there.  Barely.  (this one wasn’t a desired list item but it pushed it’s way onto the list. We had no choice)
  5. Rode a roller-coaster in a casino. (Was sore for 4 days because mid-thirties)
  6. Paid an un-Godly amount of money to take my littles to a pool that was half-pool half-sand-bottom-beach.  We were such lush’s at this pool.  Poolside food and drink…put it on my tab.  Brent was delighted when said tab came across our bank account.  🙂
  7. Half of our fam went to the Grand Canyon.  Biggest hole in the ground in the US with no guardrails…me and Esther stayed home b/c you know… Esther.  Enough said.
  8. Played penny slots because Vegas and I never lost a cent… Brent not so much.  I didn’t make any but I didn’t lose any so that makes me a winner.
  9. Ate a $15.00 slice of cake with a glass of milk while sitting in a chair made to look like a bunny.
  10. Got Tatted in Sin City.  Rebels I know.
Photo proof of #9 and also a
good summary of how I felt about Vegas.

I’ll stop there.  Guys, we made Vegas our full time J.O.B.

But we weren’t there just to check off that list.

Our family rolled into Vegas to do a really BIG thing with really BIG implications.

We got the honor of launching Purchased: Vegas, a ministry modeled after our work here in Shreveport, in the epicenter of it all, the city that is pace-setter of the sex industry.  We spent time on the ground with the Hope Church Vegas team scheming and planning and laying the groundwork for a restorative, Jesus-centered response to the sex-industry and Human Trafficking in Vegas.

Talk about a bucket list item?!  The honor of a lifetime.

One afternoon both my bucket-list-o-fun and God’s purposes for us to be in Vegas converged in a moment so sacred I will remember it forever.

And my favorite thing?  It happened in a tattoo shop.  Speaks directly to my little rebel soul when God shows up somewhere dirty and does something so Holy it could only be Him.

We were sitting in the tattoo lobby waiting our turn.  We were there to be tattooed by Eric, that’s all we knew.  Talk about a risk to walk sight unseen into a shop and meet a person for the first time who 10 minutes later will put something on your body that you will NEVER be able to get rid of.  No biggie.

As we waited I was intrigued by Eric.  I watched him move around the shop preparing for our tattoos, drawing our designs, cleaning his station and doing his quirky rituals that seemed like an old routine for him.  He was also interacting with the other tattooists (that’s probably not what they’re called but I’m not cool enough to know the proper term).  There was something different about him.  He had a softness, a compassion to him.  But he also was able to hold his own in that tattoo shop.  He wasn’t awkward.  He didn’t stick out like a sore thumb… but there was something in him that I could recognize.  Something that felt familiar.  I knew He knew Jesus.

It was our turn and he called us back.

I started my regular tattoo ritual of getting overly chatty and requesting a bottle of water and “is it hot in here?” “sorry I talk a lot when I’m nervous….” “This is gonna hurt right??”

I mean…just all the space-fillers when I’m nervy.

He was kind to me.  Not annoyed.  Listened to all my requests and giggled to himself when Brent said, “I’m sorry, she’s nervous.”

No I’m not gah Dad.  Just kidding yes I was.

“So, what’s your tattoo about?  It’s unique so I imagine there’s a story to it?”

I explained that we had adopted our second daughter from China with an un-repaired bi-lateral cleft lip and palate.  I told him that I had always wanted a tattoo that represented her.  We call her QueenE so a crown was fitting, but I wanted it to be cracked and stitched up.

Royally Repaired.  That’s my QueenE.

He listened intently, even set aside his tools and leaned in, giving me his full attention.  He asked good questions and was moved by the story of both of my girls.

“Me and my wife want to adopt.”

He opened the door so I kicked it down…

“Are you a Christian?”

He looked at me for a second and giggled again, “Yes…are you?”

We chatted about our faith for a bit and then he asked me, “So what are y’all doing out here in Vegas?”

I explained Purchased to him and walked him through what the ministry does and how it helps in the world of Human Trafficking. (You should learn about it too……shameless plug)

He shifted a bit as I talked and I could tell I had struck something that he cared about.

“You know…before I learned about human trafficking and what all the girls went through and how their pimps treated them…” he hesitated, ” I unknowingly branded 3 women for their pimp.  I didn’t know exactly what was going on.  I remember feeling like there was something wrong with it but I didn’t know what it was so I just did my job.  Then I learned about the branding process and…” he trailed off.

**Pimps will often tattoo a symbol or name on their women as a sort of marking or name-tag that tells other pimps she is taken.**

I could feel the weight of his regret as he talked.

“Well,  we’re actually looking for someone to be our go-to for tattoo coverups.  When women come into the program for Purchased we’d like to offer a tattoo cover-up session so that we can physically show them that they no longer belong to their pimp anymore….Would you like to be our guy?”

“What?  Are you serious??”

I explained to him how special it would be to me if it was him.

“Of course.  Man…yeah…that would be rad…”  I could tell he was searching for the words to communicate the meaning behind this moment.

We exchanged numbers and as we were leaving I said… “Would it be weird if I asked you for a hug?”

Friends…the answer is always YES if you are ASKING SOMEONE TO HUG THEM it is weird… You asking them is weird therefore the hug is weird…especially in a gnarly tattoo shop.

“I’ve heard I’m a great hugger…” he said and he gave me a huge bear hug.

“This was not an accident,” I said teary-eyed as we left.  He agreed.

It is SO.LIKE.GOD. to take our mess ups, the accidental ways we fall short or the paths we go down unknowingly and use them for His redemptive work.

When we present our rags to him…because let’s face it that’s all we’ve got…he uses those rags to clean up the world.

Our mess flipped upside down and used for His purposes.

He doesn’t just use the good parts of us: our accomplishments and accolades.

His delight is to use the parts of us that smell like a dirty tattoo shop, the things we did before we knew better that we’d never do again now that we know; the things we hide in the background of our lives and the regrets we maintain.

He is EAGER to take them from us and use them to cover someone else’s brokenness.

What we feel we’ve done that can’t be undone is suddenly rebranded in God’s economy.

Rebranded people sent into the world to fix it with an arsenal of rebranded brokenness to serve as our tools.

Want some good ole scripture to back this up?

Isaiah 64:6
Revelation 21:5
Ecclesiastes 3:11


Free to Choose

By | Tiny Living

“Saw that your house is for sale…where you guys headed?”

Loaded question.

The hotty-hubby and I exchange glances and both try and feel out if it’s worth opening the can or not.

Because, friends, sharing that you’re downsizing is A CAN OF MESS to open up on innocent bystanders who just wanted to hear a quick soundbite and move on with their day.

We have found ourselves at an interesting crossroad when it comes to the journey we are on and how it is affecting others.

On one hand we want to be sensitive in sharing because we by no means feel that every person has to be doing what we’re doing and if they’re not…shame on them.

But on the other hand, there are things that we have learned by doing this that we do feel are important for anyone who bears the name of Jesus.

So the rub is that we don’t want people to feel judged by our process but we do want people to be challenged by it.

We want to pave a road for others to follow in, in big and small ways and we actually do want people to feel the uncomfortable tension of living in excess…because we feel it too. That tension has been a gift, becoming the catalyst for the overhaul of our way of life.

We want our discomfort in this process to cause discomfort enough in others that it becomes a catalyst for their change.

There’s no way around the friction that this convo creates.

Here are the top 10 funniest things people have said in response to OPENING THE CAN of tiny living:

  1.  Oh wow…. You’re doing that on purpose? (ha ha got me…as if it could be an “Oops, how’d that happen” kind of situation?)
  2. Wincing.  No words just a wince…as if what they’ve heard has caused physical pain.
  3. But what about the kids?
  4. You’re doing that with your kids?  (Nope, just Brent and I, the girls will be remaining in all the square footage they could want)
  5. You’re doing that TO your kids?  (Y’all… not kidding, I was asked this.)
  6. I mean… I guess I could do it if I was going bankrupt.  (In other words…if a proverbial gun was held to my head)
  7. Well that seems “on brand” for you.  (this one made me proud)
  8. Good for you.  (Glad it’s not me)
  9. How fast are you going to build a bigger house?  (We ain’t even in the smaller one yet and people wanna plan out the bigger one)
  10. Can’t wait to see how long that lasts. (least favorite comment and for my personality it feels like a challenge)

“Another day, a man stopped Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”

Jesus said, “Why do you question me about what’s good?
God is the One who is good. If you want to enter the life of God, just do what he tells you.”

The man asked, “What in particular?”

Jesus said, “Don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal,
don’t lie, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as you do yourself.”

The young man said, “I’ve done all that. What’s left?”

“If you want to give it all you’ve got,” Jesus replied, “go sell your possessions;
give everything to the poor. All your wealth will then be in heaven. Then come follow me.”

That was the last thing the young man expected to hear. And so, crestfallen, he walked away. He was holding on tight to a lot of things, and he couldn’t bear to let go.”

Matthew 19:16-22 MSG

This story is A CAN that Jesus opens straight up in, not only the rich dude’s face, but ours.

I have found myself over the years of my walk with Jesus finding every which way around this story.  Finding ways for this story to mean something that I can keep at arms distance.

But Jesus doesn’t say anything that when truly received stays at arms distance from us.

This story, boiled all the way down, is about OBEDIENCE.

Jesus knew the man who approached Him.  Knew Him inside and out with the knowledge that only a Father can have.

Jesus knew what was hindering him.  Knew what was choking out freedom for him.

So when Jesus lays out the terms of following Him, it wasn’t a blanket statement to everyone in ear shot.

It was a piercingly personal call for this precious man who was just looking for a quick sound bite and ready to move on through the rest of his day.

Was it extreme?  A big ask?  Not what the poor boy expected?


But it was the most loving thing Jesus could have done for Him.

Not only offer Him a completely freed up life and give him the equation it would take to get there…but bigger than that, He gave the man the choice.

The choice to follow Him.  The choice to sever ties with his stuff.  The choice to allow his excess to bless the poor.

It wasn’t mandated.  It was an offer.

Free to choose.

Free to choose freedom but also free to choose a tethered life.

And that’s where we usually choose to stop with this story.

“Ohhhh… ok good…so that’s not for everybody that’s just for him because he was obviously owned by his stuff…and me…well I’m not so that’s not what Jesus is asking me for.”

Don’t feel judged dear one.  That’s a direct quote from yours truly.

But Jesus didn’t stop there.

After the bound-up man walked away sad…Jesus pressed in a tad bit more with his bros.

“As he watched him go, Jesus told his disciples, “Do you have any idea how difficult it is for the rich to enter God’s kingdom? Let me tell you, it’s easier to gallop a camel through a needle’s eye than for the rich to enter God’s kingdom.”

The disciples were staggered. “Then who has any chance at all?”

Jesus looked hard at them and said,
“No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself.
Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it.”

Matthew 19: 23-26 MSG

I love the drama of Jesus’s example here.  I am so here for over exaggerated points.

Do you wanna know how hard it is for a rich person to enter the kingdom?  Imagine shoving a camel through the eye of a needle.  That’s how hard.  ha ha I love it.

And here’s where things get a biiiiitttt more uncomfortable.

Although Jesus was obviously looking for OBEDIENCE-WITH-ABANDON out of the rich young ruler- that was the BIG PICTURE of what we can see He is calling forth, we also see that to Jesus, possessions can be the things that get in the way for all of us.

So yes, it is a call to obedience, but it’s also a call to look at our posessions and realize that all that stuff can be a ceiling that’s placed on the possibilities of what God has for us if we were truly freed.  Our junk can actually keep us from all-the- way following Jesus.  I know…it stings a little, or a lot.

The freedom to follow Jesus fully must be freed up in our lives.  We must clear the path in order to experience all that Jesus has for us.

Jesus cares far less about our possessions and more about a life that’s cleared out; margin made, slate cleared, ceiling removed, cords cut from all the stuff that is choking out complete abandon.

Freed up from our stuff IN ORDER to be free to choose Him TOTALLY.

It’s about obedience BUT it’s also about our excess.  Jesus loves us too much to let us sit comfortably with what we decide this story is about…the arms distance view of it.

It’s about an obedience that in turn blesses the world.  Sell your possessions and give them to the poor.  Jesus is always remembering the poor, and calling us to see that a life lived fully free in following will ALWAYS pour out onto the lives of the poor.

It is the design of our Father.  A direct reflection of His in-love-with-the-broken heart.

Our less will allow others to have more.

It’s a tough pill to swallow.  Trust me friends, we feel like we’re currently gagging it down ourselves.


By | Tiny Living

(Friends..Youtube did me wrong with this screen shot)

Yep.  We’re going TINY!

Why????  Why you ask?  Why walk away from 2400 beautiful sq ft to shove all this crazy into 700 sq ft?

While it is a much longer story that God has been weaving, the short of it is this:

Our kids.

Both of our littles come from beginnings that were lacking, tragic, heavy and broken, but those same broken beginnings shaped something in them that most of us, living in America with excess out of our ears, will never fully have:  freedom from stuff.

Our kiddos are content.  People are their currency.  They don’t demand the newest, best, and the biggest…they demand quality time, attention and to be near the people they love.

As Mama and Papa to these two freed-up little ones we want to steward that beautiful treasure they have to the best of our ability.  We want to prop up the gift of contentment so that it can grow and flourish.  We want to give them a life that reflects what has been put in them and guard their counter-cultural bent with every decision we make.

We want the path to seeking first the kingdom to be as clear as possible for our family and we want to have more resources freed up so that we can pour our lives out for the poor.

We understand that as parents, the life we live in front of them is the life they will learn to live themselves.  (No pressure right?? Geez.)

We want to see what it would be like to live freed from financial stress, to have an abundance of resources that were once wrapped around things that don’t really matter…what could be possible?  What good could we accomplish?  Who’s life could flourish because ours has been trimmed?

We want to show our wee ones that risk and adventure and faith and friction and FUN are all a part of life in the upside down Kingdom of God.   And that possessions, square footage, toys, clothes and stuff…all the stuff…has nothing to do with a life that is full, free and given.

Our littles are light years ahead of us on this, we are just trying to be like them when we grow up.

[easy-image-collage id=5535]

We will be telling the story of going tiny here on the blog!

We are pumped…but also…going tiny is a bit of a thing folks.  It’s not for the faint of heart that is for sure.

Follow along as we downsize…and as we feel the sting and stretch of living on less….no doubt it will be comical.

Let me let you in on a bit of a sitch we have already faced:

My tall-drink-of-fine husband measured out our closet in the tiny house only to discover that ALL OF HIS 6 FOOT 3 HOTNESS could not fit in it.  Friends…he had to crawl on his knees to get into it.

This triggered a few giggles from me that abruptly turned into a full on crying meltdown.  I was smiling but weeping.

“What is this?  What emotion?” he asked me…still on his hands and knees in what was supposed to be our closet.

Stay tuned guys.


By | All the things

I was halfway through watching one of my faves Macy Gray in a new music video when the thought crossed my mind, “I want hair like hers,” and just as quickly as I thought I wanted it I thought, “I’m going to get hair like hers.”  From want to execution,  the jump was quick.


Never mind the fact that I am all the way white…and Macy is not.  This didn’t present itself as an issue in my mind.

Step one would be to find an off-book, under the radar hair dresser.  I knew a proper-above-board hair dresser would never agree to giving a white girl an afro perm.  I needed someone with grit.  A back-alley-type girl who wasn’t afraid to do something bold….dumb is the word I now know in hindsight would be better placed here…but in the moment… I was feelin’ bold.

2 days later.  It was done.  I had a HUGE frizzy, white-girl version of a Macy Gray perm.  And when I say white-girl-version  what I really mean is it was awful.  It didn’t work.  I did not look like the white Macy Gray.

But, because I had done it, I was going to own it.  I was convinced it was the best thing that ever had happened to my hair.  All I had to do was hang it out the window wet and POOF there it would be 30 seconds later…in all it’s damaged, frizzed up glory.

But there was a major kink in my post-afro world (besides the million kinks in my hair that were not curls…definitely just kinks)… the husband, he was presenting as an issue in this new marriage to white Macy Gray.  He hated it.

How did I know?

A few days post-kink we were at dinner and I realized he was doing everything in his power to not make eye contact with me…or so I thought.  Turns out, he was trying to not make afro-contact, because everytime he did he laughed.  Like had to hide his face he was laughing so hard.  Y’all, my hubby couldn’t even look at me.  For shame.

Long-puffy-story short, I lived with that glorious afro for a whole 2 weeks before I bid it farewell.

Saying goodbye to it and all the dreams of vibey-raspy-Macy-ness was hard.

I tried to say goodbye and I choked.  Tried to walk away and I stumbled.

Friends.  I’d like to say that this is the only time I have done something impulsive.

It would be a lie from the pit.

I am impulsive.  Period.  Always have been.

Choices are not hard for me to make.  Risk is assumed in the story of my life.

I act-now-think-later on the daily.  No one would ever call me calculated.

As my heart has matured in Jesus, I have seen the beauty and the brokenness of this part of my personality (which at times feels like the whole of it)

The beauty has shown up in the ways that God has given me BIG-HUGE-GIANT things to take on and made them a part of my story because He knows that risk is my jam and tackling big things gives me life.  Saying YES to some of the scariest things imaginable…the most unpredictable risks, has been somewhat easy for me.

I see so much beauty in the wiring that he placed in me…the quirky, spontaneous, a-little-muchness that I bring to any table has served well the specific callings on my life.

Don’t hear me bragging.  Keep reading.

However, the brokenness of this part of me has played out in the most interesting ways:

I have learned that my impulsivity has developed over the years this cyclical need to reinvent myself.  When things are settled, and easy and mundane I am quick to look for change.  Same and stable can often feel suffocating to me.

So the hard has been asking myself, “Is this God or is this me.”  Man.  Tough question.  Is God telling me this or asking this of me, or is this being born out of my need for change, for unsettling, my desire for the rush of risk.

My desire for unsettling is born out of an inability to settle, to rest, to ground and root.

I have also learned that impulsivity doesn’t leave room for boundaries…and with no boundaries you enter into a danger zone of overwhelm.

And last summer, in the thick of completing an adoption, preparing to travel to meet my QueenE, the Lord began to whisper the first hints to my heart that it was time for change.

Duh, Lord.  I’m about to head to China and pick up my child.  No small change there.

But it wasn’t that.  It was deeper.  He was beginning to scratch the surface of something else.  He was asking me to wade into the wreckage of unchecked impulsivity and take a really hard look at what had been affected by my lack of boundaries.

My heart didn’t know yet what He would be asking of me…but the excitement of the next risk was buzzing in my heart.

“Babe,”  I burst through his office door a mere 4 days away from a plane ride that we knew would change us forever, making us a family of four, I mean to be fair we did have a lot on our plate at this point.

“Babe….let’s get rid of all of this and live in an RV.”

Insert better-half-heavy-eye-roll because I mean… I had once gotten a Macy Gray white girl perm.  I had a track record of crazy.  I’ll give him that.

I had no idea that these scratch-the-surface whispers from the Lord would not necessarily be leading to another BIG THING… but to a fine tuning of the zoomed in nuances of my heart and as a result a good hard look at the rhythms of my life.

What was coming was not big at all.  It was actually tiny.

And that would bring the biggest struggle.  That what He had in store for me was stripping, going smaller, peeling back, rooting down….all the things my heart was not super pumped about doing.

Stay tuned friends…much more to come.


By | All the things

I pushed play on my pod-cast (Bible Binge podcast…if you haven’t listened to it…DO THIS STAT), put in my head phones, took a deep sigh because despite the fact that I was about to run, I am by no means a runner and do not enjoy the first 1,000 steps of any run.  It is totally a mind-over-matter, drag-me-kicking-and-screaming to the sidewalk kind of sitch.  (Mind you, I’ve got all the kick-butt gear and cute running outfits…but let’s be real…that doesn’t make you a runner…if it did I’d have a gold in the Olympics)

I had my typical route entered into my app and set out on my dreaded journey.

I got to the end of my street, where my route typically sends me left, but I hesitated.  I always go left.  Every day.  It’s my route, I’m familiar with every crack in the sidewalk on that route (honesty status…mainly because I’ve tripped and busted it over most of them…again not a runner).

But this day, I wanted different.  I wanted to buck the system and so… I went right.  Rogue.  Off the grid.  I turned my app off and just started running.

About 5 blocks in I looked ahead and I saw her, in the distance.  She had stepped out onto the same sidewalk my feet were pounding unhappily down.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.  How could she be on this sidewalk in front of me?

We locked eyes from a distance and I could see the same shock-and-awe feeling spread across her face.

I stopped when I got to her.  Took my head phones out and said, “Well, Hi friend,” and gave her a big hug.

“How are you here?  Why are you here?”  she asked me, dumbfounded.

“I think my steps were ordered my friend,” and a big grin spread on both of our faces.

Who was she?

She was a victim of human trafficking.  She was abandoned and exploited.  She was a reported missing child with a whole system on the hunt for her.  But she was more to me, to us, to our ministry.  She was one of ours, in our family, on our hearts, forever a part of us.  We, too, had been looking for her.  We wanted to see her rescued.  Wanted to see her restored.  We just had no idea where she was.

And on the sidewalk that day she shared that she needed us.  That she wanted back in, back into the life change, the restoration, the family.  That she had been wanting to reach out but didn’t know how.  She was ready.

“In their hearts humans plan their course,
    but the Lord establishes their steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

Tell me the Lord isn’t faithful to His word.  I saw it played out in flesh-wrapped-around-form; the promise that He establishes my steps.

The run, the hesitation, the different route.  Not one part of that process was a coincidence or on accident.

I had a plan that day, but His was greater.  I had a route, but His would include rescue.  I thought it was just another run I didn’t want to do, He saw it as a way of escape for the one and a way of romancing the other, me, as He reminded me that He indeed is hovering over and cares for every little detail of our lives.

“Live carefree before God; He is most careful with you.”  1 Peter 5: 7 (MSG)

He is most careful with us.  With our every step, ordering and directing them if we’ll abide in him.  There is not one detail that He does not care deeply about.  We can live in free abandon, no fear, no hesitation, because all the caring is being done by our Father.  Leave the caring to Him, He is most careful with you.

And this step ordering comes with a guarantee, that if we let Him order our every step, our ordered steps will lead us right to the door steps of the broken.  It’s just who He is.

Where is she now?

This sweet one that my steps were ordered straight to is now safe, secure and thriving in Purchased’s recovery program.  God is restoring her day by day.

You guys…this stuff never gets old.  Like how crazy cool is our God?

For more information about Purchased: Not for Sale, the incredible ministry I get to spend my days serving, visit


By | All the things

On his return, Jesus was welcomed by a crowd. They were all there expecting him. A man came up, Jairus by name. He was president of the meeting place. He fell at Jesus’ feet and begged him to come to his home because his twelve-year-old daughter, his only child, was dying. Jesus went with him, making his way through the pushing, jostling crowd.

In the crowd that day there was a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with hemorrhages. She had spent every penny she had on doctors but not one had been able to help her. She slipped in from behind and touched the edge of Jesus’ robe. At that very moment her hemorrhaging stopped. Jesus said, “Who touched me?”

When no one stepped forward, Peter said, “But Master, we’ve got crowds of people on our hands. Dozens have touched you.”

Jesus insisted, “Someone touched me. I felt power discharging from me.”

When the woman realized that she couldn’t remain hidden, she knelt trembling before him. In front of all the people, she blurted out her story—why she touched him and how at that same moment she was healed.

Jesus said, “Daughter, you took a risk trusting me, and now you’re healed and whole. Live well, live blessed!”

While he was still talking, someone from the leader’s house came up and told him, “Your daughter died. No need now to bother the Teacher.”

Jesus overheard and said, “Don’t be upset. Just trust me and everything will be all right.” Going into the house, he wouldn’t let anyone enter with him except Peter, John, James, and the child’s parents.

Everyone was crying and carrying on over her. Jesus said, “Don’t cry. She didn’t die; she’s sleeping.” They laughed at him. They knew she was dead.

Then Jesus, gripping her hand, called, “My dear child, get up.” She was up in an instant, up and breathing again!

Luke 8: 41-56


Productivity…what a buzz word.

The world around us is telling us to be productive, get things done, check it all off.

You can listen to a bajillion podcasts about productivity hacks and ways to do more on less time.  “You can have a 4 hour work week if you just follow these 5 steps to being more productive than you’ve ever been.”

And what could be wrong with productivity?  Isn’t it the key to success?

Well here is my productivity pitch to you today…go with me here:  (said in infomercial voice)

“Want to know the single greatest productivity hack?  The only way to get more done?  Do you want to do more of the stuff that you’re called to, that you’re made to do?  Do you want to be involved in the stuff that lasts and is eternal?  The stuff that actually matters?

(studio audience yells in unison:  YES!!! with smiles and fists in the air)

“Ok then, allow yourself to be interrupted!  Let’s be ok with being distracted!”

Cue the sad sound when music screeches to a halt…the studio audience gets up and leaves because….

That sounds like the worst productivity hack ever.

But I’m here to tell you, because I know it to be true from my own life:  being open to interruption is the key to us doing the things we’re called to do, and becoming the people we’ve been wired to be.

The productivity game can be a trap.  It can blind us to people in front of us as it turns our focus inward: to our needs, our time, our organization, our business, our finances, our dreams…none of which are bad things…until they are our only thing.

If Jesus is our guide and we are to be a mirror of Him…we’ve got a lot to learn about heavenly distractions.

He’s got an upside-down-view of productivity.  (Duh…he’s got an upside-down version to everything.)

Jesus was moving through the crowd on a VERY important mission, He had a very important task to accomplish:  the healing of a dying little girl.  And not just any little girl, the little one of an influential leader, a very important little girl.  And no doubt she was important to Jesus.  He pushed through the crowds, laser focused on the goal set before Him.

Until…he stopped.

“Someone touched me…”

His disciples said what any of us would say, “yep…there’s about a thousand folks touchin ya right now…let’s keep it movin’ Jesus we’ve got a girl to heal.” (That is if the disciples had been from the Dirty South.)

“No…someone has touched me because I can feel that power has left me.”

(Cool side note…that word power there is translated as “an achieving power”, meaning that Jesus knew that whoever touched Him had already been healed.  It had already been done.)

So, knowing that, could Jesus had kept right on moving?  Keep pushing to the goal He had set?  Yep.  Because He knew that someone had already gotten from Him what they needed.  He didn’t have to stop pushing forward in order for that healing to be done.  It was already done.

But He didn’t.

He stopped.  He demanded to know.

I love this…”Bueller….Beuller…” moment, as Jesus looked around the quiet crowd.
(Referencing the dry professor in Ferris Beuller’s day off)

He waited for an answer.

“Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed.”

You guys, how precious is this moment?

The woman, who had been in hiding, bleeding for 12 years, isolated, lonely, unclean; this woman, knowing that SHE COULD NO LONGER GO UNNOTICED…she fell at His feet.

She told Him everything.

She, indeed, had already been healed simply by her fingers-touching-hem moment.  Her physical healing had already come.

But Jesus always has more in mind than the physical.

Jesus knew that there was more healing to be done.

He wanted her to feel seen, known, heard, spoken for.  He wanted her to feel the quickening of a hear that realizes, “I can no longer go unnoticed.”  The demand that the entire procession stop, the repetitive question of who had touched Him, it was all on purpose.

He wanted her to feel the weight of His gaze because in that she would be forever changed.

Then this moving scene is interrupted (cue record screeching noise) when someone announces to Jairus, the influential leader who’s daughter’s life hung in the balance,

“Don’t bother Jesus anymore Jairus, your daughter has died.  So don’t even worry about it.”

(paraphrased of course and said with a drawl)

Here’s where the true friction of the story lies:

For Jesus to stop and give time and energy and Himself to the “distraction”…to the unplanned tug on His clothing, meant that He would have to put a pause on the very important thing He had planned to do.  If he had a day planner, top of His list that day was to heal that sweet baby girl.  And He had set out to do it.  So, to stop and shift His eyes towards the interruption seemed, to everyone around, like the opposite of productivity.

And even deeper into the crowd’s frame of mind that day:  the scandalous fact that the life that was hanging in the balance was the life of a religious leader’s daughter, and the life that had just reached out and gave a tug was that of an unclean woman…how could He stop and “waste” time, energy, resources…that were so precious and so needed… on HER of all people.  Influential vs unclean, to them there was a clear winner of who was worth His time.

But for Jesus, two lives hung in the balance that day.

For Jesus, both were deemed worthy.  Both were deemed important.

His desire to heal the one, to achieve that goal, did not disqualify this unplanned encounter.

His focus to do what had been asked of Him: HEAL MY DAUGHTER! did not blind Him to the one who was brave enough to find His hem.

Jesus moved on to the house of Jairus despite the report that his daughter had died.  Unfazed by the debbie downer news that had just been delivered.

Don’t call me a heretic but I imaging Jesus healing the woman, hearing that the daughter had died, and him silently turning towards the disciples and putting his rad sunglasses back on as if to say, “Let’s do this thing.”  UN.FAZED.

He walked in to the home of Jairus and told them all to stop wailing…which is just hysterical to me.

 Like can you imagine Jesus just rollin’ in like “Hey y’all…shhh…calm down and quit wailin’ like that.”  Like He was annoyed.

He walked right in to that death-filled-room, grabbed that little girl’s hand and in an instant death had to find a new home.  She was instantly alive.

Jesus, because of His open-handed view of His calling, of His life, was not afraid to be interrupted.  Distraction didn’t frustrate Him.  Unplanned people, unplanned need, unplanned demands, they didn’t send him into a tizzy as He thought about how in the world He would now complete the rest of His goals for that day.

People were his goals.  People were the very thing He set out to do from the moment he had to wrap Himself in our skin to make a way for our life.

And because He knew this, that people were His aim, He was willing to be distracted that day.  And not only did He heal a woman from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet, but he went on to do something that NO ONE ELSE could do:

Raise from the dead.

He had the corner on this market.  No one had the power to raise back to life.

Healing had been done in His name, other rabbi’s had been known to heal.

But raise from the dead…no one could do that.

Distraction and interruption led to greater glory for Him.

Unplanned need cleared the path for a greater miracle.

Friends, I am in this tension with you.  The tension of achieving versus becoming.

The back and forth feeling that if we do one thing it’s at the sacrifice of another.

But it’s just not the truth in God’s kingdom.  If our lives are submitted to Him, if we hunger and thirst for Him, He gives us His heart.  And with His heart comes His goals, His dreams, His vision.  And the guarantee that your laser sharp focus will reset on people.  Broken people.

If we’re not careful we can structure and plan out our every minute of every day in such a way that we become a protected fortress against distraction.  Nothing unplanned will throw us off the scent of our goals.

But what if that something unplanned, that distraction that stumbles across your path, is what you really need?

What if it’s a heavenly distraction, sent into your path to allow you to be used by Him.

Planning is a tricky thing.  We can easily fool ourselves into thinking that it’s ours to do.  That our plans are what’s best for us.

But friends, His ways aren’t always like our ways.  His goals don’t always match ours, in fact they rarely do.

And the key to success isn’t getting more things done.  The key to our success is becoming more like Jesus.

We need to lay that reality over our productivity plans and see where they line up and where they don’t.

What if we lived with an open handed view of our schedule, our goals, our productivity?  What if we learned to live in the tension of having and setting goals, holding a schedule, setting boundaries and being productive but also being willing to lay it all down for a holy distraction, a divine interruption?

What if we held our productivity with a loose grip and were willing to throw it all out the window to make way for what He might have planned for us?

What if giving margin for the divine to be interjected into the mundane fueled the fire in us and we actually got more done across the board…because we were coming alive?  Productivity has a lot more to do with who we are than what we plan.

Let’s practice Kingdom-productivity, a balance of achieving our own goals but not at the sacrifice of Jesus’s call on our lives.

Let’s submit our visions, plans and strategies to Him and be willing to make the trade for anything He has for us instead!

Let’s keep our eyes wide open for heavenly distractions, holy interruptions and not be people who run from them when we see them coming a mile away!

Let’s stop the rat race and rest.  Rest in the knowledge that He sees the end from the beginning and that He is the author of our vision and our dreams.  And that He cares.

God cares about your everyday, your every minute, and if you allow Him to, He will use every single bit of it …

AND make you the most productive person in history.
(cue infomercial wrap up music and canned clapping and cheering audio)

Permission to Bask

By | All the things

Found her laying in the sun. ⠀

And in an instant all that I had just read sitting on my porch with a cup of coffee- marveling at the rising of Jesus and asking Him to reveal the implications of his breath after death, to take me past the obvious ramifications and into the day-to-day minute-by-minute ways that those steps out of His-grave matter for mine-it all came into clear and real and flesh-wrapped-around view.⠀

The second His eyes opened in that tomb, it became possible for mine to be opened. The moment He gasped and life came flooding back into His body the path cleared for life to flood back into mine. His steps out of death declared that death had no hold on me.⠀

His ashes turned beauty, His fullness leaving a tomb empty, His conquering the thing that no one had ever conquered… not just death but sin…all declared that orphan hearts had a Father. A Father that risked it all to claim them as His own.⠀

I am living among two living-breathing-empty tombs. Where death once reigned for these unknown ones now restored life screams the reality that His resurrection changes everything.⠀

The impossible becomes possible.⠀

All because of Jesus I was pulled out of my pit, brought back to life and my girls were firmly placed in the family of God, named and known. Their death conquered.

Darkness gone and now they, we, can bask in His light.

The implications matter. Death giving way to life can be seen anywhere He has been. It is His fingerprint. Life left on everything He touches.⠀ ⠀

Take a closer look today.

What is alive in you that apart from that heavy rock being moved would still be hidden in death?⠀

Where are you?

By | All the things

The car in front of us pulled out as the light turned green.

I watched it happen.  A car coming through the intersection, ran the red light and without touching her brakes, the driver t-boned the unsuspecting food-delivery car directly in front of us.

It was a bad.

We pulled around the wreck and pulled over on the on ramp to the interstate.  The wreck was about 100 yards back under an overpass.  This is all important information for my story.

My hubby, the SWOON-WORTHY hero type, told me to call 911 and he jumped out and ran back to the scene.

He pulled the poor food-delivery boy out of his car.  He was hurt, but conscious.  Somebody wasn’t gettin’ their dinner that night.

I dialed 911.

“911 what’s your emergency?”

“Yes, there’s been a wreck and we are the only witnesses.  We are here on the scene now.”

“Ok ma’am.  Where are you?”

“We are at the intersection of East Kings Hwy and I-49.”

“East Kings Hwy and 49?  Is that correct?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Ok.  Let me see.  Are you sure that’s where you are?”

“umm…. I looked around… Yes.”

I mean come on, why the third degree.

“Ok ma’am.  We are sending units your way.”

“Ok thank you.”

5 minutes passed, no police, no ambulance…nothing.

I could see the hubs sitting on the ground with the victim, who was holding his arm in wincing pain.

My phone rang.


“Uh yes ma’am, this is the Fire Department and we are looking for the accident you called about.”

“Ok.  We’re under the overpass at the intersection of East Kings Hwy and I-49.”

“Ma’am, we’re under the overpass and we don’t see an accident.”

“What?  We’re right here.  You know how you pass Taco Bell, McDonald’s and then there’s an overpass…”

“Yes ma’am….that’s where we are.”

“Well, we are too.  We’re right there.  Hold on one second.”

I jumped out of the car and hollered at the hero-hubby, “Babe!!!  Babe!!!”

He looked up at me confused.

“Where are we??”

He literally didn’t respond just kept on helping the poor soul who was STILL wincing in pain on the side of the interstate.

I hopped out of the car and jogged back the 100 yards to where the accident took place.

“Ok sir,” I continued with the fireman, ” I am headed back to the overpass and I will wave my arms when I get there.”

“Ok ma’am.  But there is no accident here.”

“Hold on one sec,”  I rounded the corner prepared to feverishly flag them down when the realization hit.

“Oh…that’s because we are not at the intersection of East Kings Hwy and I-49…


My confused hubby shouted, “What do you mean?? Corner of Pierremont and I-49 under the overpass.”

“Sir….I’m sorry.  You’re right.  We’re not there because we’re here.  Corner of I-49 and Pierremont Rd.”

I hung my head low as I made the walk of shame back to our car, passing the sweet boy STILL writhing on the ground in pain and my hubby looking at me in disbelief.

My bad y’all.  Sorry about it.

Units arrived within minutes and the scene was quickly handled by local law enforcement.

Quickly handled, but not near as quick as it could’ve been.

Again, my bad.

PS:  After re-telling this story to my family around the dinner table, I was informed that the two streets I told the 911 operator never actually intersect.  East Kings Hwy NEVER meets I-49.  KINGS Hwy does.

Eye-roll…minor details.

PPS:  Shout out to the poor friend who was actually the victim twice, once in a car wreck and secondly a victim of my lack of awareness.  I don’t know your name but I do know you work for Go-Waiter…if you’re reading this… so sorry.  It’s the thought that counts??  A for Effort??

“When the Woman saw that the tree looked like good eating and realized what she would get out of it—she’d know everything!—she took and ate the fruit and then gave some to her husband, and he ate.  

 Immediately the two of them did “see what’s really going on”—saw themselves naked!
They sewed fig leaves together as makeshift clothes for themselves.

When they heard the sound of God strolling in the garden in the evening breeze,
the Man and his Wife hid in the trees of the garden, hid from God.

God called to the Man: “Where are you?”

Genesis 3 MSG

Where are you?

When God asks a question it’s not because he lacks the answer.

He asks the question because we need to know the answer.

It’s what marks a relational God.  His willingness to ask us questions that He doesn’t need to ask.

His grace-poured-out is shown when he begs a question that uncovers a radical truth that we are actually, whether we know it or not, desperate for.

God’s question to Adam wasn’t simply a geographical question.  Where are you in the garden?  What are your coordinates?

It was that, but it was also so much more.

He asked them physically where they were to highlight the point that they weren’t in plain sight… they were hiding.

God didn’t lack the ability to find them.  He wanted them to feel the sting of the knowledge that they were in fact hiding from their Creator-Friend-God who they were accustomed to meeting face-to-face.  They had an unhindered friendship with God until this very moment.

Where are you?

He wanted them to come to terms with where they truly were.

They were hiding, in shame, fully aware of their nakedness and now broken because of sin.

Where are you?

Such a simple question but one that carries massive heart-shifting implications if we’re willing to answer it.

This is a question I’ve learned the rhythm of asking on a regular basis.  Where am I?  Where’s my heart?  Where’s my mind?

Answering this question has shifted entire parts of my heart towards healing and growth and towards a depth of friendship with the Lord that has radically changed me.

When I ask, “Where am I Lord?”, He answers.  Sometimes it’s not so fun to have to own up to where I’m at when I’m crouched behind a bush hiding in shame.

But what happens if we don’t answer the question?

We delay help.  We delay healing.  We delay becoming exactly who He has hand-crafted us to be.

We continue to lay on the side of the interstate STILL in excruciating pain.  We stay in the rut of complete denial.

Friend, be brave enough to answer this question today!

Where are you?

Where are you in your relationship with God?  Are you present?  Are you hiding?  Are you absent all together?

Where are you in your marriage?  Your parenting?  Your friendships?

Where are you in your mind?  Your thoughts?  The lies you may be believing?

Where are you in your calling?  Are you walking out who you were meant to be?  Are you taking risks for the kingdom?  Or are you crouched somewhere behind a bush called “safety” or “comfort”?

Where are you?


By | Family

This week the hubs and I, my TALL-DRINK-OF-FINE, celebrated 12 years of marriage!?!?!!

What is life??  Are we that old???

(Look how precious, Babe bashfully covering my face for our “kiss the bride” moment)

We were such wee-babes when we made those vows.  Such wee-ones with wide-eyed wonder at what the future held.

I will never forget the night before our wedding, my swoon got the attention  of the entire room, filled to the brim with family and friends, our tribe, the champions of each of us separately and now both of us as one.  He dinged his knife on his glass until he had everyone’s attention.

“Ok everybody.  It’s my turn to make a speech.  But this speech is for my soon to be wife…”

He turned towards me and locked his gaze into mine….and I passed out from his hotness…jk but I wanted to.

“Cassie.  Tomorrow everything changes.  Tomorrow we become a family, me and you.  I have no idea what our future will look like, but I want you to know one thing:  we will ONLY do what God tells us to do.  No matter what that is.  Me and you will only go where he goes and stay put when he tells us to.  I will support you in whatever God calls you to and I just ask that you do the same for me.  We are going to be obedient….”

And turning to our room of people he said:

“And for all of you, our people, our family, just know that WE are going to do what God tells us to do.  We will listen to your wisdom and advice and we will appreciate it, but we won’t be swayed by it one way or the other.  My commitment to you in this room is to lead Cassie in the way of obedience, no matter how crazy that looks.”


Tears are also rolling down my face.

Man, how powerful those words are now 12 years later when they have proven to be true.

My Bae has led us to be obedient, and it has been hard, harder than we ever imagined, and it has been crazy and we have looked like a bunch of loons….but we have been as obedient as our flesh-filled hearts could possibly be.

Obedience to the Lord has gifted us with the greatest adventure of a life that we could have never dreamed up on our own.

That’s the thing about obedience, it has nothing to do with us and everything to do with our Creative Father who has a whole lot of dreamy plans up his sleeve that He’s willing to gift straight into our lives if we are simply willing to put our “yes” or sometimes our “maybe” “ok fine” or our terrified “I guess so” on the table.

We’ve done some crazy things and suffered and grieved and wrestled through seasons.  We’ve felt the peaks of joy and the rush of risk-taking.

And 12 years later we have lived to tell the tale, more in love today than we’ve ever been.

My hubby reminded me a lot of Moses that night in front of our people.

“If your presence will not go with us, do not bring us up from here.”  Exodus 33:15

In other words, Lord if you’re not taking the lead, if you’re not going on up ahead of us, we’re staying put.



That’s what being obedient boils down to.  Not being willing to trade God’s presence for anything; not for comfort or safety or the agreement of your tribe.

Even if a silver platter version of a dream, a new job, a season of life, is held out in front of you…obedience always asks the question:  Will you go with us?  Is your presence already headed there?

Why is this question necessary in obedience?

Because God’s plans for our lives don’t always present themselves on a silver platter.  They don’t always look like the easiest options, like the safest routes.

In order to be obedient we must be willing to pass on what looks best or makes the most sense in exchange for where He is and where He is headed on our behalf.

Being obedient does not muzzle us.  It does not put a leash on all our dreams and wishes and plans.

Obedience actually blows the ceiling of possibility off of our lives because His plans are always greater and higher than ours.  Our best efforts to plan the grandest adventure simply fall short in comparison to the depths that He has for us.

Following Jesus is fun y’all.

It’s hard and gritty and unpredictable and to look like Him you must suffer.

But oh the places you will go with Him in the lead.

Here’s to another 12 years my love.  I’m already buckled up and ready to go.